16 Funky Facts About Clownfish
Finding Nemo was no doubt the movie that made clownfish a well-known species, but what facts do you actually know about these beautiful fish?
Well you’ve came to the right place to find out these facts, here we have 16 fun & interesting facts about clownfish.
- Clownfish are sometimes known as anemonefish.
- They belong to the damselfish family.
- They have distinctive black, white and orange markings.
- They make their homes amongst reefs.
- Female clownfish lay up to a thousand eggs on coral or rocks on anemones.
- Eggs can be laid all year around.
- Some females even lay eggs in amongst the anemones.
- Males guard the eggs until they hatch after four or five days.
- To catch their prey, clownfish swim onto the reef where they attract larger fish, which are stung by the anemones.
- The anemone then eats the larger fish, leaving the remains for the clownfish.
- As well as fish remains, clownfish eat….
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