30 True Facts About Wolves
A list of the top thirty most interesting facts about the largest members of the dog family, wolves.
If you love these animals, you love these 30 interesting facts!
- Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.
- ‘Canis Lupis‘ is Latin for Gray Wolf, which is the most common.
- It is believed that the Red Wolf (also known in Latin as ‘Canis Rufus‘) is to be a cross-breed of Gray Wolf and coyote.
- The ‘Canis Simensis‘ (Ethiopian Wolf) lives in Africa.
- The domestic dog (known in Latin as ‘Canis Familiaris‘) shares many wolf traits.
- Many species have become extinct, while many remain in a vulnerable state.
- In Eastern Europe and the USA, wolves are being reintroduced into the wild and into research parks.
- Wolves live in packs of up to 20.
- A single wolf can be up to 5ft in length, standing at 3ft.
- One of the heaviest wolves on record weighed 130lbs.
- A female wolf (or ‘bitch’) can have up to six young (‘pups’).
- Wolves generally prefer larger prey such as deer, but will settle for something smaller, such as rabbits.
- Wolves are estimated to live up to 13 years old.
- The strongest male and female pairing lead the pack and are known as ‘alphas’.
- Pack alphas are the only couple to mate.
- Bitches live in underground dens for the spring so they are able to birth and feed their blind and deaf pups.
- The entire pack is expected to assist in childbearing.
- A wolf’s howl is a method of communication that is the loudest when in harmony with others. A single wolf howl can be heard up to 10km.
- A wolf’s hearing is twenty times better than a human’s.
- Their long muzzle ends with a hyper sensitive nose, which is one hundred times better than a human’s.
- Their thick fur helps them survive the bitter climates.
Read Full Here: https://topfactsite.com/30-true-facts-about-wolves/